Friday, March 21, 2014

Worth More Than Gold.

We live in a culture today that defines women as objects. We are seen only on a superficial level. We only have value when we have a certain look. When we sexualize our attire, when we skip a meal to lose another pound, when we have a flawless complexion, when all of our cellulite is gone-then and only then are we beautiful and valuable. If only we dumb ourselves down and play stupid they will want me. Maybe if my skirt is a bit shorter or my shirt a bit lower. Maybe then men will look my way. But the real thing is, we don't have the problem. It's our society, it's the standards, it's how our culture defines beauty. This is incorrect. We need to stand up to the lie. When did this problem start exactly? Well let's think.. 

Do you remember the first day you felt you had to wear makeup to get the boys to notice you? Do you remember the first time you started to notice you didn't have a "thigh gap"? Do you remember the day you started to care about pant sizes? Or even the day you started altering who you really were to get the attention of a guy? Unfortunately, it starts at a young age. I have seen so many little girls trying to act like the "big girls." The change starts with you and it starts with me. Whether we like it or not, we are the women the next generation is looking at. We are the examples of what they should do and how they should dress and how they should behave. We are the leaders. We have sweet little eyes on us all the time. Every time you leave your place to go somewhere you represent Christ. So, how are we going to further His kingdom? What things are we going to showcase as important and where do our values lie? 

The thing society hasn't told you is the less you wear, the less he will respect you. 
Let's transform this....
patterned jean underwear and bra

bra and underwear..

this long shirt...

Into this.......
cute on piece swimsuit

gorgeous quarter length sleeved shirt with a belted skirt

Wonderful summer outfit

I am not saying stop wearing makeup altogether or never dress pretty or never go to the gym. We should most certainly take care of our bodies because they are a temple and we owe it to our Creator to place value on ourselves. But, we need to showcase what really matters. Take care of ourselves, further our interests and hobbies, get involved in things that actually matter. Let the right guy fall for you because you rock at singing loud in the car karaoke style, because you have a passion for serving others, because you have learned modest is hottest, because you like to read, and because sometimes you are okay with eating icecream all night and talking until 3 a.m. Let the emphasis be on who you are and who you were created to be. You are beautiful and you are worth it. 

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

A Great Pursuit

Psalm 23:6 says, "Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever." Isn't it exciting to know that the God of the universe wants to have a relationship with us? He longs for us to know Him personally. All we have to do is open up to Him and pour out our hearts. He wants to know what is going on in our lives and the ways He can help. He wants to come into our lives and change us for the better. He wants us to see others through His eyes and be His hands to help heal the brokenness in our world. All it takes is us choosing to be humble and choosing to surrender to His will and His ways, trusting that God knows exactly what He is doing. Because God does know exactly what He is doing. He has plans for us to do great things through his great strength. Trust in that today and be encouraged that the God of this universe wants to have a relationship with you-despite imperfections, mistakes, and failures. He loves you unconditionally. Run into His open arms.