This past Sunday, there were 16 scheduled water baptism's for our church. That is a crazy big number and that is awesome. But, after that our Pastor asked if anyone wanted baptized unplanned. I felt God stirring in my heart, but I continued to sit in my seat while the others went up.But the more I thought about it the more I thought about how I would regret it if I didn't go. So, I went up there. And it was definetly and great place for me to start over. I have been getting closer with God for the past 5 months since I have gotten rid of all the sinful behaviors in my life. The water baptism really made me feel like everything had been washed away permanently. This was amazing because for the longest time I was still feeling guilty even though I was forgiven. This was a great new step in my relationship with God.
It was exciting to see so many people get baptized! I'm glad you followed the Spirit's prompting and did it! It was awesome!
Thanks Jaime!(: I just feel so different. Just like everything is truly washed away.