1.) Boys will not, nor have they ever defined your value or worth. You are a beautiful woman of God and you have an awesome purpose here on earth. So, whether you are single or in a relationship remember that you are awesome all on your own. A guy can never complete you, but can be a compliment to your God given mission in life.
2.) Celebrate being the woman God has called you to be and focus on the attributes you should be trying to achieve in your own life. Take a closer look at Proverbs 31:10-31 ladies. It is spelled out for us-our wonder identity as women of Christ. One of my favorites is Proverbs 31:25-26 "She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come." It is such an empowering verse. It's saying we are so secure in who we are in Christ that we have no concerns or worry about what our future may hold. We know that with God, it is going to be something beautiful.
3.) Most importantly don't forget who the number one man is in your life-our Abba Father. And while you are at it, spread his love with everyone you encounter this holiday. Make everyone you know, maybe even strangers know that people care and that God cares. I challenge you guys to make it an outreach day for you to spread a little bit of love and cheer. Let me know what you guys do to impact the world around you.
And a random video of the week- I am stuck on this song. Love it (: