Nowadays culture tells us we don't need "religion" to tell us what to do. They are just control freaks who can't face their own imperfections so they center themselves in telling others how to behave. They cram ideas of some Almighty God down the throats of everyone they know and they are the most judgmental people you have ever met. Right? Well, you may want to rethink your decision for Christ not for religion. You need Him for than you know. I know that I do. I need Jesus everyday to heal me when I am broken. I need to know that he is for me. I need to know that he finds me beautiful and worth it every time I try to my put my value in the guys that come my way. I need to know that He thinks I am worth the wait, that I am His princess and I should be treated with respect. I need to know that I must forgive others just as He forgives me each and every time I fall short. I need to know what real love looks like-it starts with a baby boy and ends with one man on the cross. Sacrificing himself for you. For me. Jesus cares deeply for all of us-just as a parent does. A parent only puts rules in your life to keep you from harms way and to make you into the person you need to be. That is the same with Jesus. He wants to see us live up to the potential He has in store for each and every life. All of our stories are different, but somehow the same with God. We are called to something better and everlasting. We don't have to settle for the attempts the world has made to outbid and outshine the love of Christ. Because at the end of the day-those who don't REALLY know Christ still feel empty when they lay in bed at night. They still come down after the high, so they buy more. They buy more vodka and live weekend to weekend. They still wear long sleeves to hide the pain. They still feel incomplete, even when their whole lives are the best they have ever been. And that is because even our best days without Jesus are no comparison to all the days we could be having with him. I have tried to life without Him-and let me tell you it was a HOT MESS. I couldn't imagine living my whole life feeling dependent on finding my self worth through the approvable of others. I couldn't imagine my depression returning and filling my thoughts with lies. We must not exchange the truth of God for a lie of the enemy. You are worth it. Tomorrow is a new day and I promise you, You need him more than you know.
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