Saturday, March 9, 2013

Safe Haven

Yes, Safe Haven. The gorgeous Nicholas Sparks movie that just recently came out. Some could say it's just another love movie with a slight plot twist. But, my dear friends it is so much more then that. I find it funny how God can use things even like movies to open our eyes. Tonight, I went to watch it with my mom. And it was like God completely answered my prayers. I was asking God to show me the world through his eyes, and to give me wisdom as to what purpose my life has in this world. And today, I saw it. He showed me how he sees my mom. She is a beautiful women. She has a tired and weary soul. He told me, " She just needs you to love her Sierra." And then my whole life just made sense. Everything became clear and apparent. So real right before me. And the more I think about it, the more I love God. It's so simple. Love her. That is all she needs. Someone to show her unconditional love and to hold her hand when things get hard. To show her that I think she is a wonderful person and show her that God knows how to make broken things beautiful, and through those situations you can feel peace. I am so thankful I have my mom. But, today it is like a I saw her, really saw her, for the first time. And now I feel like I understand why my life is the way it is. There is a plan and a purpose-an intricate design. I am in awe, awe of the One who makes everything new. He has written the greatest story for my life, and I am so glad he holds the pen. So friends, sometimes you may feel you are walking through fog, and you don't know where you ought to go. But, God is always by your side. He is guiding you to the other side and into the clarity and where the light is. Just be patient. His timing is always perfect. Give this song a listen.

Ecclesiastes 3:11 "He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end." 

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