Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Just Let It Be Beautiful.

Life can be beautiful, life will be beautiful; I always choose to tell myself. I tell myself this because God told me. He told me in his word. I told myself this because I needed to. I told myself this so bad times wouldn't appear so bad. I repeated Ecclesiastes 3:11 in my head so many times I thought it may explode. I told myself that until I believed the words rattling in my head. And now, when difficulty strikes all my mind goes to is God. When life is good I go to that same verse being reminded that God is fulfilling his promises to me. He is because he cares. He is the one entity in my life who will always care, who will always be there with a word of encouragement. He will always be there with love. I promise you that. And now, I want everyone to know the same peace and joy and hope I have found. I want broken hearted people to know what REAL love is and I want them to have a voice. I want the people in every corner of the world to know about my God. Not a God who is distant, but a God who is near. He is near in times of trial to weep with us and he is near in good to rejoice. He is perfect and I am not. As I heard in a sermon once, "Even if we don't feel adequate we should say to ourselves because I am worthy through Christ I am able to pray, worship, love.." Just know that today. And live each day for the Creator who the most divine plan. 

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