Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Something Has To Change..

Hello my sweet and beautiful people. It has been quite some time since I have written on this blog. However, with my new life endeavors it appears that I will be spending a lot more time writing in my following days. My walk with God in the previous months has been nothing but a hot mess. I have allowed myself to become distracted as so many of us have and so I am finding myself needing to simplify my life. I really feel God is calling me to take some radical measures, but ones that I am able to do. I am going to delete my facebook and twitter. Also, I am no longer going to be listening to any secular music, wearing makeup, and I'm really considering only wearing skirts. I really want to encounter God in a real way. And to me it feels not fair that some of God's children are starving and yet I have so much. I have over 200 dollars in jeans alone, not taking into account my coach purse, my coach shoes, and sperry shoes. Plus my macbook air laptop, my smartphone, my heated dorm room, my hair and makeup products, my keurig, and the list goes on. And someone overseas or even people here in the U.S. have one outfit, no house, and no food. How is this fair and what are we going to do about it? Those are our brothers and sisters. What if that was someone you knew? Would that change how you feel? So as for me, be praying that God takes a grip on my heart and my walk in him is strengthened as I take this endeavor. Anyone want to join? 

Much love,
Sierra Marie

1 comment:

  1. You should really get involved with Compassion Sierra! Sponsor one of those Children in the name of Jesus! I agree this is what our money should go towards not the luxuries of this earth: http://www.compassion.com/
