Monday, November 9, 2015


Social media. Have we ever stopped to think about it? I mean really think about it.

What is the purpose? What is with the flood of hashtags, memes, selfies, ecards,etc? It is all so shallow if we stop and think about it. It's easy to make our lives look put together in an instagram post. But in reality, that was the one day we actually did our hair, the one clean room in our house, and the only 5 minutes our kids weren't bugging us or having a fallout over a missing toy. Valencia filter anyone? It creates an unrealistic image of reality and for what?  So we can have a "me" centered attitude and find our sense of value in some dumb post. We have all been there. You know the time when after a status has been up for a few hours and it has 1 like and you contemplate deleting it. Was what you had to say not clever or funny enough? And on that note why are we second guessing ourselves based on the number of likes online. It's sad really.

Social media also starts the comparison game. Why does this girl get 100+ likes on her posts and I get 5? What does she have that I don't? If only I had more money maybe our family could do things like that. I wish my kids would sit still long enough for craft hour. I wish I wish I wish...and the dissatisfaction with the life God has blessed you with sinks in.

And don't get me started on how social media isn't really social at all. Why does our generation supplement snap chat for real company and why do we substitute emoji texts for being taken on real dates. The kind of dates where they call you and ask you out and you spend hours getting ready for it. The kind where when they pick you up, they don't just text here. They come to the door to get you and you spend the whole night talking and laughing and enjoying each others company. I am just so sick of all the lol's and #realtalk #blondeshavemorefun #wearesocool.

What if we started actually living life instead of trying to find the perfect filter? What if instead of worrying about the likes on our posts we started worrying about the hurting and the homeless in our community. What if instead of taking a picture of our dinner plate, we were serving it to someone who could really use it. Because believe it our not starvation is happening right here in the U.S. No, it's not just happening overseas, it is in our backyards. Cheers to educating ourselves. To finding hobbies. To being concerned with things bigger than ourselves.

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